Ventura Attorneys for Victims of Domestic Violence

Victims of domestic violence may feel as though the court system and police do not take the proper steps to protect them or advocate for their rights. In many cases, prosecutors and police officers are willing to take additional steps to help keep you safe, but they may leave you on your own for many court proceedings and filings.

The Law Offices of Bamieh and De Smeth’s Ventura attorneys for victims of domestic violence work to represent domestic violence victims and fight for their rights. Our lawyers can help you file civil lawsuits against your abuser, work to get restraining orders to protect you from future abuse, and represent you in other proceedings. To schedule a free legal consultation with our attorneys, contact our law offices at (805) 643-5555.

Attorney for Victims of Abuse in California

If you are the victim of abuse or violence in your household, you should take legal steps to protect yourself and punish the aggressor. Taking legal steps against your spouse or significant other might be difficult, and hiring an attorney can be a vital step in distancing yourself from the situation and getting the help you need.

After domestic violence, there are three major steps that you can take to help protect yourself. Our lawyers explain these steps and how an attorney can help you with them:

Reporting the Crime to Police

If you are in immediate danger or you have just been assaulted, it is important to call the police. When you call 9-1-1, police can respond and defuse the situation. They can also take pictures of any injuries you suffered, take statements, and open a record of the report. It is also vital to call emergency services if you are still in danger or if you need medical attention. Police can stop your abuser and EMTs can get you the medical care you need to treat your injuries

Just because police respond does not mean that charges will be pressed. The police may give you some say in whether or not to press charges. While prosecutors make the ultimate decision as to whether or not to press charges, they may take your opinion into account in domestic violence cases. An attorney can help guide you through this process and work with you to protect you from having your voice ignored when the criminal case moves forward.

Filing for Protection from Abuse

If you are the victim of repeated abuse or violence from someone in your household or a romantic partner, you can go to court and seek a restraining order against them. This is separate from any criminal charges against them, but pending charges against your abuser can help support a claim for a restraining order.

Police and prosecutors usually cannot file a petition for a restraining order on your behalf. Instead, you must typically do this yourself – or with the help of an attorney.

Typically, abuse victims can get an emergency restraining order for immediate protection. This process does not give the target of the restraining order a chance to respond until a later date. At the later hearing, a court will determine whether a permanent restraining order should be granted or whether the existing order should be extended.

Restraining orders come in various types. Protection from abuse petitions can specifically order abusers not to take additional steps towards abuse, not to contact the victim, to stay away from the victim’s house or workplace, or to kick them out of a shared house, along with other protections.

Filing a Civil Lawsuit

Victims of intentional acts of violence do not need to rely on police or prosecutors to get justice. Victims of assault and battery can also take their case to civil court and file a lawsuit against their aggressor. This lawsuit can help them recover damages to pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain and suffering they face from the injury.

Proving an assault or battery case can be difficult in “he said, she said” cases, but evidence of the injuries you suffered are indisputable. Photographs of bruises, cuts, scrapes, and the effects of strangulation can provide shocking photographic evidence to support your claim in a civil lawsuit. The damages you receive could be substantial if you were seriously injured.

The law allows you to make claims for assault and battery along with other potential types of cases including wrongful imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and damage to property. Talk to a lawyer about your case to see what your claim might be worth and what your next steps are to file a lawsuit and proceed with your case.

Our Ventura, CA Attorneys for Domestic Violence Victims Offer Free Legal Consultations

If you are the victim of domestic violence or abuse in the household, call the Law Offices of Bamieh and De Smeth today. Our Ventura, California domestic violence victim attorneys can help you press criminal charges against your abuser, file for a protection from abuse restraining order, or file a civil lawsuit for the injuries you suffered. To schedule a free legal consultation with our attorneys, call (805) 643-5555 today.

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